Hmmm - this definitely takes the cake. 
Dienstag, Oktober 25, 2005, 20:40 - GELESENES

In the lobby men's room the five star hotel has installed life sized images of models behind the urinals to peer down at each customers "manhood" - each model with a full view of the action.
The girls - all local amateur models - are holding cameras, tape measures, binoculars and some of them appear to be laughing.
"It's the most popular room in the hotel! We had hundreds of people wanting to take a look - but also a couple of complaints from church goers; certainly it wasn't our intention to offend anyone", the hotel manager says. He is now under pressure from those of the female persuasion to decorate the neighbouring women’s toilets with something equally eye-catching.

Photographer Sheena Haywood: 'We had a lot of fun with the shoot, made all the better for the fact that there weren't any men there when we did it'...


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