Mittwoch, Dezember 22, 2010, 23:18 - D.
Beitrag von sb_admin

Terra borealis 
Mittwoch, Dezember 22, 2010, 21:18 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin

[Marco Paoluzzo]

money money money 
Mittwoch, Dezember 22, 2010, 07:58 - GEDACHTES
Beitrag von sb_admin
[Jedä Rappä zellt.] U nächär biiist me zfride i Zervelaa oder i sy Bradwuurscht, kippet öppe-no-n-e Schtange oder es Ggüppli, geit gmüetlech ga tschille oder macht chly Party ... mir hei Guets gmacht, mir hei gschpändet, es geit ne jitz de sicher besser mit üsne nüün Milione, dene-deert am Arsch vor Wäut, und üs geits ja schliesslech o nid schlächt ...
They grabbed god by the beard ... 
Montag, Dezember 20, 2010, 22:50 - GEDACHTES
Beitrag von sb_admin
... and now he's laughing.

Sometimes you have to keep on walking - AND to look back... - Merry Christmas and [a happy New Year!]
How far you been walkin' now? 
Montag, Dezember 20, 2010, 22:29 - MUSIK
Beitrag von sb_admin
About 100 miles
You still got some more to walk
I know, I got a little more to go
Yeah we all got a long way to go
I got to keep on walkin'
You better put on your shoes
You've got to walk [and don't look back]
Montag, Dezember 20, 2010, 22:01 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin
Aus Vincenzo Bellinis NORMA: Casta Diva, gesungen im Bühnenvollmondlicht von der im vergangenen Oktober in Montreux verstorbenen Sopranistin Joan Sutherland.

Donnerstag, Dezember 16, 2010, 20:35 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
The weather in Iceland is predicted to change significantly and unusually suddenly today with a sharp drop in temperatures and frost in most parts of the country in the afternoon. According to long-term forecasts, Iceland might be in for a white Christmas.
Frost is forecast throughout this week and on Thursday and Friday a storm from the north is expected to hit the country, followed by snowfall in the north, [Morgunbladid] reports.

A forceful storm and blizzard hit southeast Iceland last night with winds reaching up to 30 meters per second in Höfn. In the Sudursveit rural district power line poles snapped, causing a blackout in a large area.
The area will remain powerless for some time as the weather doesn’t permit repairs.
There is a risk of jet streams in many locations around the country, such as below Mt. Hafnarfjall near Borgarnes and on the southern Snaefellsnes peninsula in the west and below the Eyjafjöll mountain range in the south.
Disturbances to domestic flights are to be expected and people are asked not to travel between regions by car. Travel by sea is also not recommended, as the storm is raging offshore.
Very few ships are out; only some larger ones. Trawlers have sought shelter inside fjords in the east and a transport vessel en route to Neskaupstadur is waiting for the weather to clear southeast of Stokksnes peninsula, unable to sail in any direction.
Scattered sea ice is approaching the country northeast of Horn, the northernmost point of the Westfjords peninsula.

"Lost my hat today in the wind!! It blew right off my head and into the darkness. :-( If anyone sees one of these blowing around the west end of Reykjavík - it's mine!" - Miss Alda Kalda from 101 Reykjavík, on facebook today.
Donnerstag, Dezember 16, 2010, 19:54 - ALASSIO
Beitrag von sb_admin
15 Grad Celsius und tagelang Sonne & Licht.

alassio dicembre 2010 L1040416
Aprikosen im Oktober? 
Mittwoch, Dezember 15, 2010, 20:25 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin
Erdbeeren im Dezember?

WeWeEff-Ratgeber Schweiz als App fürs iPhone.

Relativ einfach gemacht, aber ganz nützlich. Und kostenlos zudem.

Gibt ziemlich zuverlässig für jeden einzelnen Monat an, wann welche Früchte und welches Gemüse eingekauft werden sollten.
Welche Fische unbedenklich verzehrt werden können, und welche auf dem Index stehen.
Nur nicht so ungeduldig. 
Dienstag, Dezember 14, 2010, 07:05 - GEDACHTES
Beitrag von sb_admin
Es geht ja gleich weiter.

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