Dienstag, April 7, 2020, 20:50 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Quelle: Ror Wolf - Das nächste Spiel ist immer das schwerste.
ISBN: 978-3-5961-8295-4
Montag, März 9, 2020, 07:15 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Bild: https://www.thermalbad-zuerich.ch
Sonntag, Februar 9, 2020, 08:31 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Britta Teckentrup: Worauf wartest du? Jacoby und Stuart Verlag. Berlin 2016.
ISBN: 978-3-9465-9309-6

Link: https://www.jacobystuart.de
Freitag, Januar 10, 2020, 08:55 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Vollmondkäse aus der Käserei Kleinstein, 6106 Werthenstein
Donnerstag, Dezember 12, 2019, 06:17 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Full moon in Iceland - unfortunately not able to find out the name of the photographer
Dienstag, November 12, 2019, 09:14 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Sonntag, Oktober 13, 2019, 09:08 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Idee für einmal wieder bei Frau Blogk abgekupfert (Bern im All, 16. Juli 2019).

Link 1: www.blogk.ch
Link 2: https://www.nzz.ch/wochenende/schwerpunkt/mondlandung-das-sonnenwindsegel-ein-stueck-schweiz-auf-dem-mond-ld.1489108
Samstag, September 14, 2019, 06:41 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin
Finally exhausted with humans’ bullshit excuses, the Moon has released an official statement denying any and all responsibility for issues that happen on earth when the moon is full.

I, the Moon, am done being your punching bag.
Kids are being heathens? “Must be a full moon.”
Dogs won’t stop barking? “Must be a full moon.”
Customers making weird requests today at work? People driving like maniacs? “MUST BE A FULL MOON.”

First things first, earthlings. I am always full. Always. Just because I may look like a crescent moon, or a half moon, or a full moon from your tiny human perspective, I promise I am not going on a yo-yo diet. This is me, all of me. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Secondly, take some damn responsibility for your own life! Sure, I’m pretty powerful. Gravitational pull, tides, making romantic scenes in movies look cooler. I get it. But you really need to own your choices.

Are your kids whining a lot tonight and refusing to go to bed? How much sugar did you bribe them with today, huh? HUH?? Think that bar of chocolate you used to keep them from punching each other at the grocery store wasn’t going to have some repercussions? This one is on you.

Oh, and dogs bark. They always bark. They also bark more when you are too lazy to train them. I may be glowing bright tonight, but it’s a good thing one of us has the lights on upstairs. Smarten up, deal with your dog.

As for the weird or maniacal people, I don’t know, people are weird. All the time. And no one drives all that well. I can see you guys down there.

Plus, maybe you’re just grouchy because you stayed up too late last night binge watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Which is a great show, don’t get me wrong. But you do understand that you can pause it, right?

Or maybe you’re hungover or generally a cranky person, which has absolutely nothing to do with me and my “fullness.”

In closing, leave me alone. You planted your flag in me, took my rocks, wrote little ditties about me for the amusement of toddlers, and I haven’t said a word. I’m polite like that. But seriously, pull your shit together and stop pretending shadows dictate your life.

Moon, out!

(The Moon was unavailable for further comment as it had pulled the clouds over its head and honestly is too tired to deal with you anymore.)

Link: https://www.sammichespsychmeds.com/full-moon-sick-of-everyone-blaming-their-problems-on-it/
Donnerstag, August 15, 2019, 09:32 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Moon at HARPA (Reykjavik Concert Hall & Conference Centre)

"Museum of the moon" is a touring artwork - a project of Luke Jerram.

Link: https://my-moon.org/about

Dienstag, Juli 16, 2019, 08:51 - VOLLMOND
Beitrag von sb_admin

Quelle: Daniel Clowes - Wie ein samtener Handschuh in eisernen Fesseln (Like a velvet glove cast in iron). Seite 39. Reprodukt Berlin/Edition Moderne AG, Zürich, 1993. ISBN 3-907010-74-4

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