Montag, April 2, 2012, 21:56 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
In Island; bzw. - über Island.
Später Philip Glass und Sigur Rós dazugemischt.
[Das Resultat].
45 Minuten Hochspannung. 
Sonntag, März 18, 2012, 00:03 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin

The real people. 
Freitag, Februar 24, 2012, 06:06 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
What happens if an entire country opens its doors to the world?
This year (2011) Iceland did just that ...

"Everybody is happy - at least I am!" - [have a look!]

via [Iceland eyes]
Uncle Wednesday ... 
Sonntag, Februar 5, 2012, 10:28 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
... ist nach langer Pause [zurück] und hat innerhalb von fünf Tagen nun schon den zweiten sehr ausführlichen [Bericht] veröffentlicht. Hoffentlich macht er so weiter - er ist einer der spannendsten [Berichterstatter] über das Alltagsleben in Island.
"(...) Finally ... 
Mittwoch, Februar 1, 2012, 15:19 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
... even though I may sometimes come across as harsh on my fellow countrymen (yes, men, because in Iceland, women are men), I would like to say that the Icelanders are still my favourite people in the whole world. And even though they sometimes do stupid things (like orchestrate the largest financial collapse in the history of the world) I wouldn't want to belong to any other nation of people."

Alda Sigmundsdóttir - from the Introduction.

Ein sehr unterhaltsames und daher unbedingt empfehlenswertes Buch, das jedoch in keiner Buchhandlung der Welt erhältlich ist - gegen Bezahlung [erhält man es als pdf], und dann hat man die Wahl, es am Bildschirm zu lesen oder es auszudrucken.

the making of  - a book L1040041

the making of  - a book L1040049

the making of  - a book L1040052

"Speaking of the phone book.
All people are listed alphabetically by their first names in there. Then come their last name, their profession, and their home adress.
Example: Jón Jónsson, bóndi, Sólargeisla 77, 177 Reykjavík.
You don't need any official proof of your profession to have it listed in the phone book - to show up with an official piece of paper that says you are, in fact, a lion tamer or trapeze artist.
In other words, you can finally unleash those childhood dreams - make your profession whatever you want!
So, you see where this is going, right? Yup, the Icelandic phone book lists people with some pretty, err, unconventional professions. Did you know, for instance, that in Iceland there are six winners, nine sorcerers, three alien tamers, 18 cowboys, 52 princesses, 14 ghost busters, one former tough guy, 59 Jedi Masters and (my personal favourite) two hen whisperers?
I didn't think so."

the making of  - a book L1040046

the making of  - a book L1040039
ANDERstadt-Ansichten. Nr. 40. 
Sonntag, Januar 22, 2012, 20:29 - ANDERSWO
Beitrag von sb_admin
Solothurn - Treppe vor der St.-Ursen-Kathedrale ...

solothurn jan 2012 L1030951

... und anderswo ...

solothurn jan 2012 L1030962

solothurn jan 2012 L1030955
Nicht einfach.  
Samstag, Januar 21, 2012, 08:00 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
Die Antwort auf die Frage: "Wie ist das, das Nordlicht?"
In den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten waren die diesbezüglichen Aktivitäten sehr hoch - am besten schaut man sich - zum Beispiel! - [diese Fotostrecke von Olgeir Andresson] mit über 300 Bildern an.
Dann bekommt man wohl eine kleine Vorstellung davon.
Mittwoch, Januar 18, 2012, 06:07 - ALASSIO
Beitrag von sb_admin
alassio 2011 L1030372
Donnerstag, Januar 12, 2012, 19:29 - GENUA
Beitrag von sb_admin
genova 2011 L1030299
Nice try, Giälä. 
Samstag, Dezember 31, 2011, 13:53 - ISLAND / ICELAND
Beitrag von sb_admin
"This is the first project in a series of hopefully many more released by Team Nine. Set in Switzerland and Iceland, Shutter Ísland tells the story of Iwan and Raphael meeting up for a fifteen day journey exploring the island in the North Atlantic. We knew that Iceland is also referred to as photographer's paradise so we packed some camera equipment and a plan for a video project. The idea was to capture the sceneries that we came across while driving and hiking, and to bring them home as a souvenir. Good memories."

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