Need some good advice? 
Donnerstag, Juni 6, 2013, 21:29 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin

My point of view. 
Sonntag, Mai 5, 2013, 09:06 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin

Montag, März 25, 2013, 20:34 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin
ScreenSaver Forecast by

People welcoming the sun ... 
Montag, Januar 14, 2013, 22:47 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin
... after 2 months of winter darkness. - Ilulissat, Greenland.

Photo: Chris Shull
I hope ... 
Samstag, Januar 5, 2013, 23:37 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin
... that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.

So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever. - [Neil Gaiman]
Zum Tag. 
Dienstag, Dezember 25, 2012, 07:46 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin

A new red nose ... 
Sonntag, Dezember 23, 2012, 18:23 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin
... for the reindeer.

© Per Breiehagen - []
Aus aktuellem Anlass. 
Donnerstag, November 29, 2012, 05:49 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin

The day it didn't snow ............................................... and the day it did.
Und zwischen der Arbeit ... 
Sonntag, November 18, 2012, 18:26 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin
... gibt's Momente - vielleicht wie diese?
Nur muss das nicht gleich immer die ganze Welt wissen.

Moments from Everynone on Vimeo.

Link: []
Skateboarding in Kabul. 
Sonntag, November 11, 2012, 08:53 - NETZFUNDSTÜCKE
Beitrag von sb_admin

Link: []

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